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Easiest Way to Make Appetizing Easy, Crispy, Dairy-Free Cookies Made with Pancake Mix

Easy, Crispy, Dairy-Free Cookies Made with Pancake Mix.

Easy, Crispy, Dairy-Free Cookies Made with Pancake Mix You can cook Easy, Crispy, Dairy-Free Cookies Made with Pancake Mix using 3 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Easy, Crispy, Dairy-Free Cookies Made with Pancake Mix

  1. Prepare 200 grams of Pancake mix.
  2. You need 60 grams of Sugar.
  3. Prepare 90 grams of Margarine.

Easy, Crispy, Dairy-Free Cookies Made with Pancake Mix step by step

  1. Put all the ingredients in a large plastic bag. Rub the contents of the bag from the outside until the dough sticks together..
  2. Roll the dough out with a rolling pin while it's still in the bag..
  3. Cut away the bag with scissors and cut out shapes. (You can use a knife for this.).
  4. Bake for 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 170℃. (Adjust the baking time to suit your oven.).

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